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In the epic fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings written by University of Oxford professor J.R.R. Tolkien,  you will recall that Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen), son of Arathorn and heir of Isildur, as a child, was called Estel, meaning Hope. In the trilogy he returns in the last episode to help banish evil from the middle earth and restore the Kingdom to a place of peace and harmony.


In almost all mythologies and ancient stories we see a similar theme. A King and/or Queen returns to the kingdom and constellates the center of the world, restoring order out of chaos, peace out of conflict, and healing for all the land and all it’s people. This source of sovereign strength is at the core of every individual and can solely manifest in it’s fullest glory, revealing it’s supreme and ultimate expression through the sacred union of our masculine and feminine sacred energies.

Leadership is About Partnership Within and Without


The image of the Lion and the Lioness also stir this deep seated memory of personal and collective power that can lead to individual and global restoration.  Today authentic leadership as it is being defined is brought about through healing, awakening and then embracing one’s authentic Self.

“The world now pivots on a point in that point is in you.” -Gary Zukav


Gary Zukav describes very well in his book, Spiritual Partnership, this process and the journey needed to access this new state of relationship and power.  Spiritual partnership begins with oneself and then extends out from there. Leadership in the world today is described by Robert Kiyosaki is first;


  • Discovering your inner genius

  • Developing your genius

  • Then taking your genius and gifts into the world and contribute to change

Leadership comes in all forms, sizes and shapes today.  It is not measured by the bold actions of the Hollywood image alone.  It is measured simply by the daily release of authentic expression, just be yourself and let your daily actions and declarations reflect who you are.  Yes, it is that simple.  Do you want to discover the leader within you? Good, then heal what needs healing, awaken to your true potential and live the life you were originally coded to fulfill. In other words just choose original destiny.

As we each take hold of this process and as Joeseph Cambell once said “follow your bliss”, leadership becomes the natural result. What the world needs now more than ever before is You; fully present, alive and willing to change. There is nothing new here.  I’m sure you’ve heard it all before. The questions being asked by our circumstances today, include:  Will you come out of the shadows of your own fears and limitations? Will you rise up in accepting yourself and others just as is and move your life forward? Will you stop at nothing on your journey of healing and awakening? Will you? Will I? Will we?  This is the new adventure for  exploration and discover. This is the new standard for living and ultimately this is the pathway leading to authentic leadership which is so desperately needed in a world of chaos and confusion, destruction and conflict. Will you show up?


From healing, to awakening, to leadership; this is the pathway to the Transformation Initiative.


— Lenny Izzo, D.C.

The Relationship Between the Many and the One


The Transformation Initiative is one of many portals into this one great Doorway of change and transition.  If we carry a message that inspires you and assist you in your personal journey through healing and awakening than we have fulfilled a part of our mission and we are grateful to have met and once again remembered.  We are part of the new emerging community of planetary leadership and we are the ones we have been waiting for.







 Becoming a leader is the most crucial choice one can make. It is the decision to step out of darkness into the light.


— Deepak Chopra, M.D.

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